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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Getting some action!

Woo, I"m getting some action! Some dermatological action that is.

You know the expression "when the cat's away the mice will play"? Well, this mouse knew that her regular GP was on vacation this week, so I went to his temporary replacement (a doctor I've seen before and like) and asked her to refer me to another dermatologist. Remember that my GP discouraged me to get a second opinion? That was why I went to the clinic in Detroit. But now I need a dermatologist here who can carry out the instructions from the visit to the clinic (further care to the original BCC lesion, and 3 more lesions removed for biopsy). So temp GP referred me to a dermatologist she said was fantastic, but it could be quite a wait to see him. I agreed because I was hoping he was well worth the wait. Before I left the doctor's office I cancelled my Dec. 3rd surgery appointment with the clinic's dermatologist, having decided that I would now wait for the new dermatologist. It was a risky decision, but I didn't want Derma #3 to cut me up anymore!

Well my friends, I got lucky, because I saw the GP on Monday, she faxed the referral that day, and I got a call yesterday from the Dermatologist's clinic (we'll call him Derma #4) saying they had a cancellation and I could come in today. So I jumped at the opportunity!

So, today I was eager for my appointment, and was trying to not expect too much from Derma #4. I could walk to the clinic as it was near work, and although I had to wait a half hour to see Derma #4 once I got there, I was patient (ha ha ha) since at least this appointment was so much sooner than I expected. [I heard the receptionist today on the phone saying that new referrals were booking into February]. Anyway, here's the outcome of my appointment: Derma #4 was pretty good, he actually had a dermatoscope (and used it!) and now I have an appointment NEXT WEEK for the removal and biopsy of the 3 lesions as recommended by the Detroit clinic. Woohoo! Glad I cancelled that December 3rd appointment now.

So, here's the weird part that I don't want you to get all upset about. So, before we go on, please promise me in your head that you're not going to freak out. OK. Thanks. So, he also recommended that instead of doing further surgery on the original BCC site, he wants to kill the remaining cancerous cells in that area with chemotherapy. OK, so I know how that word sounds - scary right? - but it's really OK. Really! Its just a topical chemotherapy (a cream) that we do at home, put on and left on for exactly 8 hours once a day for two weeks, then off for two weeks, then on again for two weeks. It's a really new treatment for BCC and I'm interested in trying it. So I have the meds and tonight will be day #1 of week #1. [Despite my appreciation for the care I got in the US, I am grateful for my company's benefit plan which covered 100% of the cost of this expensive treatment, and I'm assuming that would probably not be the case in the US.]

After I've used it for a few days, I'll post back on how it feels, and also post a picture of the lesion as it gets barraged with chemicals. Wish me luck!


  1. 1. I'm not freaking out.
    2. I'm really really really glad that Derm #4 is acting on all of this stuff AND taking it one step further by suggesting new treatments.
    3. I'm really really glad that you are my friend
    4. I'm freaking out just a tiny little bit.

  2. P.S. what are the side effects of chemotherapy when it is administered topically and not injested?
