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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Short Update on the Photo Shoot

Yes, well, there's unfortunately not much to report from my skin photo shoot today! If I had thought the process worthy of taking a picture, I would have, however, this puny little drawing just about sums it up:

It basically took 20 minutes - including taking off my clothes and putting on disposable undies (!!) - and she only took maybe 15 pictures, and she was standing about 6 - 8 feet away from me. So much for my vision of high-tech up close, high-res, multi-skin layer photos. I should have done this at home with my hubby and spared me the gross experience of wearing disposable underwear (however, they were thong, so there's something to be thankful for; I can't stand granny panties!)

Anyway, I'm still waiting for the December 3rd and December 8th appointments unless someone cancels (anyone out there, please?) and I get in. In the meantime, I'm taking a few days off work to think and take care of me, as tomorrow it's been one week since I found out about BCC, and to tell you the truth I still know nothing. But on a happy note, I had a friend visit, she's an almost-homeless lady that I've known for years, and she looked me in the eye today (and truly I can see Jesus in her) and said something really profound which really made me feel gratitude and the true purpose of this life. The sad part is that I can't remember a single word she said! Needless to say, she was right, regardless of how she said it, "We should be grateful for what we have, and for what we don't have. Life is life, but there's better to come." Amen!


  1. You are the best!
    I love you.

    You are in my prayers and keep on the
    positive thinking train hun.
    I think I'll be joining with the same condition..I see a specialist in Jan.
    for our suspicions.
    Sending lots of Love

  2. Hi Katheryn, I've read your last three posts to bring myself up to date on the situation. I think it's wonderful that you are bloging about your experiance. Thank you for sharing everything you are going through, it takes a strong person to do what you're doing. I want you to know that I'm thinking about you and sending lots of love and positive energy your way.
    Keep on blogging, we're here to listen and give you our support.

  3. Thank you for sharing. I've been following your posts and this is a brave and wonderful thing you're doing. Bless you.

  4. Hi KT -
    I just read your entire blog and sorry to hear about what you are going through. I had BCC in 2005 on my nose and they took a good chunk out but did 'reconstructive surgery' so I didn't look like I had half of a nose. I know what you mean about having to be your own advocate in our health system.
    I went to a clinic at Womens College (don't remember the drs name) and they were wonderful.
    Thinking of you and sending prayers and hugs your way. If you want to chat at all about my experiene with BCC, call me anytime.
